From The Yearbook - 1964

Moscow Idaho, Class of 1964 - Class ReunionThese pictures were "revived" from our yearbooks (mostly the Senior year). When the senior picture wasn't available, I went back through the others looking for something "presentable"

Hopefully, we can contact ALL of our classmates. If you know where the are.... let them know and tell the committee (Email)!
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John Green Bill Grenne Rich Griffin Marilyn Haley Joanie Harrison Ward Hart
John Green Bill Greene Rich Griffin Marilyn Haley Joanie Harrison Ward Hart
Genie Haupt Tom Helbling Sue Hill Connie Hoffman Sandy Hofmann Chuck Hosack
Genie Haupt Tom Helbling Sue Hill Connie Hoffman Sandy Hofmann Chuck Hosack
Steve Howard Cheryl Howell Jim Howerton David Inscore Jim Iverson Kirby James
Steve Howard Cheryl Howell Jim Howerton David Inscore Jim Iverson Kirby James
Corky Johnson Jane Johnson Janice Johnson Vicki Johnson Jerry Johnston Bill Junk
Corky Johnson Jane Johnson Janice Johnson Vicki Johnson Jerry Johnston Bill Junk
Katie Kiblen Bonnie Kimberling Mike Kossman Merle King Craig Kincaid Dave Knapik
Katie Kiblen Bonnie
Mike Kossman Merle King Craig Kincaid Dave Knapik

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