Looking Back to 1961

Moscow High - Class of '64 - The Freshman YearbookSeveral of our classmates that were with us in '61, weren't found in the 1964 yearbook. Some moved on.. but it would sure be great to locate ALL of our classmates and let them know about the upcoming 60th Class reunion.  We could use your help!

If you know where the are.... let them know and tell the committee (Email)!
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Sandy Gates Pat Gayman Lary Giesa Bill Greene John Green Rich Griffin Marilyn Haley
Sandy Gates Pat Gayman Larry Giesa Bill Greene John Green Rich Griffin Marilyn Haley
Kristen Hansen Joanie Harrison Ward Hart Tom Helbling Diane Hendrix Sue Hill Sandy Hofmann
Kristen Hansen Joanie Harrison Ward Hart Tom Helbling Diane Hendrix Sue Hill Sandy Hofmann
Chuck Hosack Steve Howard Jim Howerton David Inscore Jerry Johnston Kerby James Corky Johnson
Chuck Hosack Steve Howard Jim Howerton David Inscore Jerry Johnston Kirby James Corky Johnson
Jane Johnson Janice Johnson Julie Johnson Vicki Johnson Gary Kepler Bill Junk Katie Kiblen
Jane Johnson Janice Johnson Julie Johnson Vicki Johnson Gary Kepler Bill Junk Katie Kiblen

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